Oct 4, 2004

Trademark Law Treaty to be updated... in 2006

According to WIPO Updates Standards For Trademark Registration Procedures, member countries of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization, which among other things facilitates trademark protection around the world) have agreed to meet to discuss a Revised Trademark Law Treaty (TLT). Don't expect results soon, the talks won't get underway until March 2006. Per the article, the revisions will focus on:

- the inclusion into the treaty of provisions on electronic filing of trademark applications and associated communications;
- provisions concerning the recording of trademark licenses;
- relief measures when certain time limits have been missed; and
- the establishment of an assembly of the contracting parties to enable the adaptation of certain administrative details regulated under the treaty.

The end result should be an easier and quicker method of filing, protecting & maintaining trademarks around the world.


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