Jun 10, 2007

New job

It's been a little while since I've posted- I've been busy with work, and interviewed for a new job. I will be moving from my current law firm job to an in-house position with Sunrider International. I will be the senior counsel for intellectual property, and be responsible for the company's worldwide I.P. portfolio. Although I will miss litigation, I will be at my dream job- focusing solely on worldwide I.P. I look forward to the new position, which I will be starting on June 25. My updates will be sporadic until then, but once I'm settled in my new position, I will start updating the blog again.


At 26/11/07 14:42, Blogger サイゴン祐企 said...

I am Japanese.
I am interested in your article and enjoyed your blog!
Please keep it for us.
Thank you!

MY blog


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